What is Pan Card and Why Should I Use One
Of all the unique identification documents improvised, a PAN card is assigned to determine and get a hold of the financial attributes of an individual in India. PAN stands for Primary Account Number which includes a 10-digit alphanumeric number and is unique for all. Unlike the other unique identification documents, a PAN card is issued by the Income-Tax Department of India. The primary significance of a PAN card is to put a thorough check on the tax deposits of an individual as it links all the financial transactions made by an entity or an individual. A PAN is not only assigned to an individual but also a sole proprietorship firm or a partnership firm or an enterprise and thereby records all the transactions linked herewith. It is proof of identification for everyone who is a part of any monetary transaction that is happening across the nation. HOW TO SEARCH FOR PAN CARD DETAILS A PAN card search is possible through a number of ways, and all of them are equally effective. It can